Sheer Awesomeness...
Ha ha, i loved it, it actually inspired me to hit up my old piano.
Sheer Awesomeness...
Ha ha, i loved it, it actually inspired me to hit up my old piano.
What the fuck?
3 for effort...
better than nothing
Dude.... this is too familiar. Legends of Dragoon maybe? Hmm... maybe it sounds so familiar because your right about most RPG beginnings, lawl.
Keep it up!
Legend of Dragoon was a great game and very unappreciated and underrated. Regardless, I can't think of any of the songs in that which would resemble this one.
Love it!
I absolutely loved it. Great melody and sounds. I just maybe feel that the sound you used for the main riff later on was a little too... loud perhaps. It was too harsh for the rest of the song. Other than that, it was great.
Keep it up!
There was a few sections that had to be toned down during the entire song, which sucks if I missed something out. However we feel there isn't anything too loud in it compared to what we DID have =P
Thanks for the review!
Great Job Bro
This is the kind of music i like listening to. One thing only, I liked how the drums were a slight bit choppy, but if you were to have that beat glide right into one that flowed more it would have been even greater. I hope that made sense.
Keep it up man!
Yeah, that could make the song alot better, lol a live drummer.
Keep at it...
I get what your trying to do, although I have some advice. The idea behind it might be goth-like, but you need to try out some minor keys. Atleast add some backing strings in it and play with whatever you want for the lead aslong as it follows the key somewhat harmonically. Dont forget the "A" flats and "A" notes... they work well.
Anyways, keep it up.
Thanks for the advice XxX-WOLF-XxX!
Gettin their...
I belive you have the music part down, but what will indeed help u get better would be better synth sounds, more layering of sounds and your timing.
Keep it up!
Thanks for the feedback. I have not been at this for too long, and I am still trying to find sounds that work well with eachother. I do havea few that sound pretty good but are not done. Still missing some things.
Hey man, take it from a huge zelda fan and a piano player in a band... this is awsome, ide love to add a beat and some effects to it. Its great, keep it up, lets hear some more zelda music! Oh and by the way, i could picture this being in the new zelda commin out this year... cant freaken wait!
ZELDA IS TEH PWNAGE! yea if I'd had a gamecube I woulndt be able to freakin wait either..ah well. ONE DAY! when I have. some more money to spend then the louzy $10 I have in my posession now..then..yes..*dreams* oh well. rock on. :D and well your free to add whatever you like.. I'd be interested to hear the result.. xD *still fiddling with it anywayz*
Off beat
Sorry man, the music and beat rock and all, but its way off beat for the first half...
Yeah. I know. It was on (where I wanted it to be) until I uploaded it to Newgrounds, so I don't know what happened. For one that's on at least mostly where it's supposed to be, listen to the first Music Box.
Band to Band
Hey man, im in a band too and i know how it is, its not easy but its the best thing to do in the world. You guys are good... really good, u got ur shit together, whats ur band called? (now im assuming ur a band... heh heh...)
Wow! Hey man thanks for the review and compliments!! Our band is called Zero Sunlite. We have been together since July 2004. Keep in touch!
Joined on 8/9/02